ABOUT ME Hello! I`m very happy that you visit my homepage and I wish you lots of fun with all the photos you can see here. The most important thing for me is to be able to show my photos to as many rockfans as possible all over the world. If you want to order some pictures, please click on the CONTACT-LINK and send me an e-mail.
I was born in 1958, I`m living in the south of Germany and I`m a rock `n`roll junkie. My favourite musicians are Marc Bolan (T.Rex) and David Bowie. Since 1980 I manage my Gustls Picture Service and from the start till now, I`ve always been a "one man service". In the many years of photographing rockconcerts, I`ve seen a huge amount of musicians and bands and took pictures of them. I think I`ve seen about 1500 concerts and shot at least 100.000 pictures. Nevertheless, I`m not a professional photographer at all. I`m just a dedicated fan of rockmusic and I take pictures whenever I`m allowed to. From the beginning, it was very important for me, to get in contact with other fans, the musicians and the bands. I made friends with several musicians and I`m very glad about this. In 2001 I had my first exhibition in my hometown Weißenhorn. Some of my rock-shots have been published on record sleeves, in rock-books, in tour-programmes, in Fanzines and in several homepages of f bands, I know well. These pictures I show in the PUBLICATIONS-LINK. This link is under construction. Once more, I wish you lots of fun and I would be very happy, if you gave me a message in my guestbook. Keep on rocking wherever you are "LET THE PICTURES DO THE TALKING" |